A greeting message from Mr. Mohammad SAADIE

Dear Members, Partners and Colleagues,

I extend my best regards and wishes on the occasion of the new year. May God reward you with blessings, hoping that 2020 will be a year full of peace, prosperity, and progress at all levels for the whole world, and especially for the MEWA region.

Thanks to everyone who has given me their trust, starting with my dear town “Deirnbouh” and my lovely region “Dannieh” which has a special place in my heart. I thank all of my colleagues in the Union of Dannieh Municipalities for their absolute support as well as to my colleagues in UCLG-MEWA. Thanks to everyone who supported me to be the president of this distinguished organization, and I hope to meet their expectations in the best way possible. Thanks to my colleagues in UCLG for acknowledging me as vice-president; I will remember everyone’s support as I fulfill my duty. I hope we will achieve our goals, hand in hand, with a high level of solidarity.

Our mission deserves our hard work to localize the SDG’s, which lays on our shoulders a huge responsibility to have the good practices, expertise and experiences.

Special thanks to all the staff of UCLG-MEWA, particularly, the General Secretary, Mr. Mehmet Duman, who worked with a strong devotion to implement and follow up on our strategic plan, which we launched at the recent Executive Bureau meeting in Izmir, and also the paper proposed at UCLG Durban Congress, which included our vision for the year 2020 as well as for the period 2020-2022. Through our participation in these meetings and our coordinated work through the six committees, which were recently approved in the UCLG-MEWA, and in cooperation and solidarity with our partners and colleagues, we will hopefully be able to achieve the desired goal of our work.

One of our top priorities in the MEWA region is to care about the refugees and to integrate them into the hosting communities.

We are fully aware that this task is very difficult, and we cannot implement alone. Therefore, we should do it with the support of and in cooperation with the international organizations and LA’s.

We are working to transform the “refugee”, who was forced to leave his country suddenly, to “migrant”, who participates in economic process of the hosting country, enriches the social situation and contributes to cultural diversity.

We will also develop the concept of citizenship based on freedom to live in dignity, away from any kind of discrimination and racism.

We look forward to more cooperation at all levels, through our organization UCLG.

We can achieve our goals to remain loyal to our slogan

“Our planet is our future” and we deserve it.

Happy New Year.


Mohammad SAADIE
Mayor of DeirNbouh
President of Union of Dannieh Municipalities
President of UCLG-MEWA
Vice-President of UCLG

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