"Ben de Varım" Project

UCLG-MEWA attended Ben de Varım! Project Meeting. Ben de Varım! is developped by the Municipality of Sultanbeyli and involves as partners UCLG-MEWA, the Education Department of Sultanbeyli’s District, the District’s Center of Counseling on Research, the District’s Vocational Training Center, the Union of Municipalities of Marmara, Yeşilay and the Municipality of Bağcılar. The project is funded by Istanbul Development Agency.

The project aims at fighting dependancy through financial support. It strengthens the capacities of organizations working at the different stages (treatment, rehabilitation etc. …) of the fight against dependancy and provide students of high school mentoring and guidance. Ben de Varım! will help to establish the Family Guidance and Education Center providing information and mentorship about the different methods to treat dependancy. The project innovates through its multi-actor coordination and the large scope of its beneficiaries.

UCLG-MEWA is involved in Ben de Varım as a regional platform allowing to broadcast the project’s result to the international stage. UCLG-MEWA Committee on Social Inclusion develops pilot projects with cities in order to better include disadvantaged groups in cities’ life.     

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