Distinguished members,

In the light of the humanitarian crisis caused by the influx of hundreds of thousands of refugees from crisis areas in the Middle East, Africa and Eastern Europe, which directly affects the European Union, its citizens and local governments, with the dramatic consequences on human lives that we have all seen, UCLG published on its Website a Communiqué calling for international solidarity and for support to all local governments directly affected by the mass arrival of asylum seekers.

For your information, please find below the hyperlinks to the Communiqué:

Taking in refugees is a humanitarian emergency: local governments are mobilizing to respond

Should you have a statement of your city or organization, UCLG would be happy to receive it and publish it together with other initiatives.

We are awaiting feedback from members on further action to be undertaken by UCLG. Your suggestions are most welcome.

We thank you in advance for your continued support and remain at your disposal for any questions you might have.


UCLG-MEWA Secretariat General
(On Behalf of UCLG World Secretariat)

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