Cités Unies France has decided to launch a solidarity fund for the local governments affected by the 7.8-magnitude earthquake that hit the south-east of Türkiye as well as a large part of northern Syria on 6 February.

In the face of this new disaster, many local and regional authorities have expressed their desire to help the affected populations and local authorities.

Like CUF’s other solidarity funds, this one will aim to act in the service of local and regional governments’ rehabilitation efforts, downstream of the humanitarian emergency and in addition to international aid provided by States.

As access to the devastated areas in Syria is particularly complex for security and political reasons, CUF’s solidarity fund will initially prioritize its work with Turkish local governments, drawing on existing networks and partnerships.

For further information, please consult the CUF website and contact Simoné Giovetti, Head of the International, Europe, Crises Department (s.giovetti[at]

Cités Unies France is in close contact with the world secretariat of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) in order to consider a coordinated response from local governments at the international level.

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