Executive Bureau in Madrid
Draft Programme & Logistical Information
18-19 April 2017, Madrid, Spain
Dear Members of the Executive Bureau,
Following our previous communications, we are pleased to confirm that the UCLG Executive Bureau meetings will be held from 18 to 19 April 2017 at La Nave Exhibition Centre in Madrid, at the kind invitation of the Mayor of Madrid, Ms Manuela Carmena.
The 2017 Executive Bureau will be held back-to-back with the World Forum on Urban Violence and Education for Coexistence and Peace, taking place on 19-21 April, organized by the cities of Madrid, Paris and Barcelona, UCLG, UCCI, AIPAZ and UN Agencies.
We encourage UCLG members to stay in Madrid to participate in this interesting event that aims to bring together local leaders and civil society actors, among others, to discuss the future of safer cities and regions.
Draft programme
A draft programme of the Executive Bureau is available via the link below.
Policy discussions will be held on Tuesday 18 April at the invitation of FEMP, the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces.
The meetings of the Committee on Statutory Affairs and Financial Management Committee will also take place at the FEMP Headquarters.
The meeting of the Executive Bureau will take place on Wednesday 19 April at La Nave Exhibition Centre.
There is limited space for Committee and Working Group meetings on 17 and 18 April. A definite programme will be sent to you soon.
Please note that, for statutory purposes, you will need to confirm your participation by filling in the online registration form via Google Forms as soon as possible and before 31 March. You should fill in one form per participant.
Please note that you may need a visa to be able to enter Spain, and that this process may be lengthy.
We strongly recommend you start the visa procedure as soon as possible. Should you need a personalized invitation letter, please contact the World Secretariat.
Details on the agendas of the different sessions and expected inputs from your side as well as further logistical information, including on hotels, will be sent to you in the coming weeks.
In the meantime, the World Secretariat remains at your disposal should you require any additional information. Please do not hesitate to contact us at UCLGExBu@uclg.org
The UCLG World Secretariat
Please click on the links below to access the following documents: