Fifth Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction

The Fifth Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction will take place from 22 to 26 May 2017 in Cancun (Mexico). It is recognized by the General Assembly of the United Nations as the principal global forum for discussion, partnership, implementation and the evaluation of international strategies and instruments for disaster risk reduction.

As in previous editions, our organization wishes to inform and mobilize members for this event to share their experiences and find the necessary partnerships to implement the Sendai Framework that was adopted in 2015, which stipulates that risk reduction and strengthening resilience take place first and foremost at the local level. Along with our partners ICLEI, UNISDR and UN-Habitat, we will endeavour to make the voice of local and regional governments heard during this conference and try to ensure that they are well represented in the various sessions. A full day, 23 May, will be dedicated to the Summit of Local and Regional Governments.

Members may submit any requests to organize a side event on the theme of risk reduction to the organizers. The deadline for sending an expression of interest is 15 January 2017. More information on side events can be found via the following link:

Please find attached a note containing information on the Global Platform in Cancun. Do not hesitate to contact the World Secretariat should you need further information. You will also find attached a document prepared by the World Secretariat relating to the implementation of the Sendai Framework at local level. (Limited) resources have been put in place to facilitate the participation of local and regional elected officials, particularly those from low-income countries.

We would also like to inform members that UNISDR has launched a call for projects related to learning exchange opportunities on risk reduction, resilience building and the implementation of the Sendai Framework. The deadline for submitting proposals is 15 January 2017. You can find further information on the following website:

We kindly ask the regional sections to share this information with their members as well as with national associations of local and regional governments in their regions.

Please click on the links below to access the following documents:

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