Guest of “Stability Talks” which was held at June 11, 2015 in Sultanahmet headquarters of UCLG-MEWA with the partnership of World Academy of Local Government and Democracy(WALD) and Düşün Taşın Association was Mustafa Şen, GENAR president. The event was about “Research, Statistics and Stability”. Mr. Şen answered the question “What is stability?”: Every economic benefit must provide a social benefit. This will give the institution credibility”, and affirmed the relationship between stability and credibility. Şen also stated that there is multiple stability in Turkey and said that “Turkey is in an advanced level of stability. There are some factions that desire to create instability, yet they will not succeed. Instability cannot occur unless the great stone does not give up being a stone.” GENAR president asserted that coalition is not a bad thing, and in a democracy there are conflict zones, and with compromises from these zones different sides will reach to an agreement, thus there is no need to be afraid from a coalition.