We would like to inform you about the Local Authorities Major Group Side Event (1) and Local and Regional Governments Day and Forum (2) which will be held under the auspices of 2021 High-level Political Forum.
1 – Local Authorities Major Group Side Event (7 July 2021): The Side Event will take a place in the official HLPF program. This side event organized by the Local Authorities Major Group gathered within the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments will mainly be focusing on how to support systems of service provision to ensure their sustainability in the aftermath of the COVID-19 Pandemic as well as focusing on how to protect the most vulnerables.
2 – Local and Regional Governments Day and Forum (9, 12-13 July 2021): A special event page for the LRGF is out! Also, registration and a flyer are available now. Since the capacity of the Forum is not enough to respond positively to all participation requests, an LRG Day will be organized. LRG Day will bring together the representatives of local and regional governments and provide an environment conducive to exchange of ideas. At the same time, the annual GTF Report on Localization of SDGs will be presented during the event.
· LRG Day will be held on 9 July 2021, at 12:00–14:30 (GMT) with the following agenda:
o 12:00-12:15 – Opening Ceremony
o 12:15-13:15 – Findings of the Global Taskforce’s annual report “Towards the Localization of the SDGs
o 13:15-14:15 – Partnerships to accelerate the Localization of the Global Agendas
o 14:15-14:30 – Looking ahead towards the Local Common Agenda
· LRG Forum will be held on 12-13 July 2021, at 12:00–14:30 (GMT) with the following agenda:
o 12 July 2021:
§ 12:00-12:30 – Opening Ceremony
§ 12:30-13:15 – Local Public Service Provision: Key to Universal Health Coverage and Well Being
§ 12:30-13:15 – PANEL 1: Local Public Services and Good Health and Well-Being
· Magnus Berntsson, President of AER and of R20 and Regional Minister of the Environment and Vice-President of the Regional Council of Västra Götaland, Sweden
· Bernard Wagner, Mayor of Belize City
· Thembisile Nkadimeng, Mayor of Polokwane, President of SALGA
· Carolina Cosse, Mayor of Montevideo
§ 13:30-14:15 – PANEL 2: Reducing Inequalities and Fostering Social Inclusion and
· Carola Gunnarsson, Mayor of Sala
· Johnny Araya, Mayor of San Jose
· Aisen Nikolayev, Head of Sakha Republic
· Abigail Binay, Mayor of Makat
o 13 July 2021:
§ 12:00-12:15 – Opening
§ 12:15-13:00 – The Transformation of Work and Evolving Production and Consumption Models
§ 12:15-13:00 – PANEL 3: Achieving Planetary, Social and Economic Resilience
· Fatimetou Abdel Malick, President of Nouakchott
· Yousef Shawarbeh, Mayor of Amman
· Uğur İbrahim Altay, Mayor of Konya
· Pudence Rubingisa, Mayor of Kigali City
§ 13:15-14:00 – PANEL 4: Multilevel Governance and Partnership for The Goals
· Abdessamad Sekkal, President of the Rabat-Salé-Kénitra Regional Council, Morocco
· Frank Cownie, Mayor of Des moines, USA and ICLEI President
· María Chivite Navascués, President of the Government of Navarra
· Irací Hassler, Mayor of Santiago de Chile
Please find the flyer and concept notes below:
LAMG Side Event_Concept Note with Skeleton Program