International Conference on Migration in 21st Century took place in Yeditepe University, on 10-11 October 2016 in cooperation with UCLG-MEWA, World Academy for Local Government and Democracy (WALD) and Yeditepe University Global Education and Culture Studies Implementation and Research Center (KEKAM).
Bedrettin Dalan, Founder of Yeditepe University and İstek Foundation, stated “If there are international huge migration, there is huge injustice in the world. While western countries tend to become a union in themselves, they marginalize the others. And they call it “western civilization”. They have a high-technological but low-humanitarian understanding. If these huge differences are to be continued, world will enter the 3rd world war.”
Central Governments should provide local governments with guidance
In his speech, Mehmet Duman, UCLG-MEWA Secretary General and WALD Chairman of the Executive Board, stated that the increase in population challenges local governments in their basic service provision, and added “supporting the local governments only with financially is not enough. Central governments should provide local leaders with a guide on migration policies.”
In the conference, migration flows that concern many countries are tackled in many dimensions. In the special session “Migration and Integration” organized by UCLG-MEWA and WALD, Assoc. Prof. Yeşer Yeşim Özer from Istanbul University, Assoc. Prof Deniz Sert from Özyeğin University, Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Murat Yüceşahin from Ankara University, and Dr. Leyla Şen, UCLG-MEWA General Coordinator discussed political, histroical and cultural dimension, causes and effects of migration movements. Contributing to awareness raising on the challenges and problems in the region by bringing together civil society, public institutions and academicians, the Conference also enabled an environment for sharing knowledge and experiences.
The conference lasted two days, in which “Latest Developments on Migration and Asylum Law”, “Migration and Integration,” “Syrian Refugees and Migration”, “Migration, Women and Children”, “Refugee Policies”, “Migration and Economic Development”, and “Migration and Culture” topics were discussed.