“Marmara Region Workshop” that was organized by Migration Research Center, Republic of Turkey Ministry of Interior Directorate General of Migration Management – Directorate General of Education; in which the issues of irregular migration were discussed, took place on 4-5 December 2015 in Istanbul University Culture and Congress Center. The workshop brought together many stakeholders that are interested in migration issue. In the panels that are organized within the context of the two-day workshop, the topics of “Irregular Migration, Deportation and Administrative Detention” and “the Impacts of Irregular Migration to Local Government and City Sociology” were discussed and the national and international legal framework of irregular migration and illegal working issues were touched upon.
Mohamed HOSEN ALMAHLI, Coordinator of Media and Public Relations, and Lauranne CALLET-RAVAT, Supervisor of the Committee on Social Inclusion participated in the workshop on behalf of United Cities and Local Governments Middle East and West Asia Section (UCLG-MEWA). Mr. ALMAHLI who made a speech at the second panel in which “the Impacts of Irregular Migration to Local Government and City Sociology” was discussed, drew attention to the migration problem in the Middle East and mentioned the projects that UCLG-MEWA will implement with its Committee on Social Inclusion. Moreover, Mr. ALMAHLI also mentioned the proposal of Mr. Mehmet DUMAN, UCLG-MEWA Secretary General on  establishing migration departments in local governments due to the increase in internal and external migration.

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