UCLG-MEWA became a partner of the training program held on 24 January-1 February 2017 within the framework of the Istanbul Local Governments Academy. The Academy is an interactive program where local authorities can develop their skills through on-side trainings and an e-learning system.
The program consisted of 40-hour theoretical lectures and practical implementations in the field of “Environment”. The lectures were delivered by Yıldız Technical University Lifelong Learning Center on 24 January – 31 January 2017. Local administration or regional representatives from Kenya, Tunisia, Algeria, Jordan and Afghanistan that are in mutual relationships with Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality; as well as experts and administrators from Balıkesir, Şanlıurfa, Malatya, Erzurum, Samsun Metropolitan Municipalities in Turkey participated in the training program. Certificates were awarded to participants who completed the training program successfully.
Interested members can follow Istanbul Local Governments Academy activities via its website: https://akademi.ibb.gov.tr