Within the scope of the organization of Konya Agricultural Cities Conference that organized by Konya Metropolitan Municipality as Co-President of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) will be held on between 21-25 March 2017, during TUYAP 15th International Agriculture and Agricultural Machinery and Plantation Technology Exhibition (Konya Agriculture 2017) for the first step to establish “International Agricultural Cities Union”.
It is expected that approximately 300.000 participants from Turkey and 48 countries are expected to visit the exhibition with the standing of 1200 brand and 402 companies from 16 countries. With the Agricultural Cities Conference, which is planned to be organized during this exhibition period, opportunity to share experiences will be provided in the agriculture sector.
All accommodation, local transport and meal expenses shall be covered by the Municipality.
For those who would like to attend, you can find the detailed information on the following to contact:
Resmi Sitesi : http://www.agricities.com/
Telefon Numarası : + 90 332 352 83 84
Mail Adresi : frd@konya.bel.tr
Draft program of the conference is available here