ADEME, the French Agency for Environment and Energy Management, with its partners – the Mediterranean Association of the National Agencies for Energy Conservation (MEDENER), the Union for the Mediterranean, the Mediterranean Commission of United Cities and Local Governments, Plan Bleu and the expert group on climate change MedECC – have launched a competition designed to develop and bring to light concrete solutions for adaptation to climate change in the Mediterranean region.
This first edition of the “Mediterranean Climate Change Adaptation Awards” was launched during the MEDENER’s 4th Conference on Energy Transition in the Mediterranean Region on 25th May 2016 in Algiers.
Who can apply?
Open from 25th May to 16th September 2016, this competition is aimed at local and regional authorities, public agencies, universities and NGOs associated with local public actors implementing actions and projects related to adaptation to climate change in the Mediterranean bio-climatic area.
What types of adaptation actions are eligible?
The projects presented must correspond to one of the following topics:
- Urban development, infrastructures and buildings
- Ecosystem and natural resources
- Conception methods and the implementation of public policies
The principal criteria for analysis will be the pertinence and the exemplary nature of the action, the efficiency of the means used to implement it, the ability for reproduction at the Mediterranean scale and the consistency of the action with the socio-economic and environmental issues of the territory in which it is located.
What are the benefits of the Awards?
- Participation in the awards ceremony during the COP 22 in Marrakech
- Promotion of the action at international level (press communication, a special publication, etc.)
- An invitation to two international conferences
Application deadline: 16th September 2016
The Mediterranean Commission encourages you to apply for this award to demonstrate the dynamism of local and regional governments in the Mediterranean region.
UCLG World Secretariat
On behalf of UCLG’s Mediterranean Committee
Please click on the links below to access the following documents:
- Competition rules, call of application and application form
- Poster of the Mediterranean Climate Change Adaptation Awards