The 2nd meeting of the Committee on Urban Mobility will be held on 22-23 March 2016 in Amman with the cooperation of UCLG-MEWA and IETT.

This meeting will be an opportunity to review the work of the Committee, strengthen cooperation, share best practices and submit new projects to be developed and implemented. Participants from local governments and international organizations will gather to discuss the challenges of urban mobility in their respective cities and work on finding a plan of actions to reach adequate solutions.

The meeting will be composed of several sessions where participants will discuss:

–  How can sustainable mobility help address the challenges in the MEWA region;

– The planning, implementation and challenges of the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in the MEWA region;

– The approval of the Program of Activities of the Committee, the review of the membership and the host city of the next meeting;

– Urban Mobility in MEWA region in HABITAT III Conference

Urban Mobility Committee
Invitation letter members
Invitation letter partners



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