Annual Retreat

The UCLG-MEWA Retreat is an annual gathering of the members and other partners to retrace the previous year’s activities and define the new strategies and synergies for effectively implementing the work plans.

The Annual Retreat offers participants an opportunity to widen their networks and connections in the presence of political leaders, academics, social influencers, and other experts.

Since 2018, three Annual Retreats have been held as the largest gathering of the UCLG-MEWA family to allow interactions among members and other stakeholders. It also enables the UCLG-MEWA staff to engage with a community of professionals from various governments and related organizations.

The first Retreat was held between 18-19 January 2018 in Istanbul, followed by the second one in Istanbul on 26-27 February 2019. Due to COVID-19, the Retreat could not be held in the following years and returned only in 2022 in collaboration and hospitality of Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality. The UCLG-MEWA Retreat 2022 was held in Izmit Kocaeli on 13-14 February with the theme ‘Revitalizing the Regional Synergy.’