How to Become a Member?
Real and legal persons who wish to become a member of UCLG-MEWA and who have the qualifications specified in the UCLG-MEWA Constitution shall initiate the process by submitting their membership applications in writing to the Secretariat. The relevant applications are discussed and resolved at the first Executive Bureau meeting.
Acceptance of Membership Request:
Article (17): Applications for local government, international organization and associate membership shall be decided by the World Executive Bureau, whose task is to ensure that applicants meet the relevant requirement for membership. All applicants for membership must undertake to support, promote and adhere to the World Organization’s mission, values and objectives.
Article (18): An applicant that meets the membership requirements shall submit their application directly to UCLG-MEWA. The application shall be finalized by the decision of the UCLG-MEWA Executive Bureau and Council, and the requirements are submitted to the UCLG Executive Bureau for approval to be finalized.