2015 is the European Year for Development (EYD2015) and European Development Days (EDD15) will be its flagship event.
Each individual and every policy have a role to play for a more sustainable and peaceful world. In 2015, we want to tell stories from around the world to show that regardless of where we come from or where we want to go, our aspirations remain the same. We strive for a stable and peaceful world, education for our children, jobs for young people and a decent life on a planet, of which we need to take a better care.
This year, participants will address issues such as the conditions for creating sustainable growth, the promotion of universal and fundamental rights, or how greater cooperation among all actors can help to eradicate poverty and reduce inequality. On this regard, participants will be invited to debate, solve and share best practices.
Each year, the forum attracts about 5 000 participants from over 140 countries, representing 1 200 organisations from the fields of development cooperation, human rights and humanitarian aid. The EU also engages political leaders, development practitioners, the private sector and civil society in shaping the EU’s policies for tackling poverty worldwide. EDD is an incubator of new ideas to inform our shared aim of a poverty-free, sustainable and fair world.
The focus for EDD15 echoes the motto of the European Year for Development – ‘Our world, our dignity, our future’. This year’s programme will be structured around 4 themes and 12 topics. The themes of the event:
· Our world – Creating sustainable growth within the limits of our planet
· Our dignity – Developing a shared vision of universal and fundamental rights
· Our future – Each of our policies can make a difference
· Our future – We are all actors in development
European Development Days will take place in 3-4 June 2015 in Brussel, Belgium. You can access the official website of the event through http://eudevdays.eu/
For more information please do not hesitate to contact Ms. E. Gökçe Yanık: g.yanik@uclg-mewa.org, +90 212 511 10 10 (103)