Listen to the Voice of Democracy!

We invite all the local governments around the world to join the call for democracy from Turkey.

As United Cities and Local Governments Middle East and West Asia Section (UCLG-MEWA), we would like to express that we are against all antidemocratic practices and interventions, regardless of time and place, on our way towards being a united voice and global advocate of democratic local governments.

In this regard, we strongly condemn the coup attempt in the Republic of Turkey on July 15, 2016, by a faction operating within the military, aiming at destroying the foundations and acquisitions of the Republic. We believe that these kinds of antidemocratic attempts will go down in history as disgrace.

We congratulate the brave people of Turkey who took to the streets and lost their lives while striving to protect democracy against this attempt. We pay tribute to the fallen, extend our condolences to the families of those who passed away, and wish a quick recovery for the wounded.

We invite all the local governments around the world to support this strong voice of democracy against such antidemocratic attempts. We consider democracy as a primary factor to create peaceful cities, and wish to see brighter days by uniting against any kind of coup and tyranny.

Press Release

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