Dear UCLG-MEWA Committee on Urban Mobility Member,
We are pleased to invite you to participate to the Second Traffic and Transportation Committee in Asian Cities of the Asian Mayors Forum (AMF) in a workshop to present the best practices of your city. The conference will be held on 28 February and 1 March 2017 in Tehran, Iran. Airfare and accommodation of participants will be covered by the host.
The participant will have the opportunity to deliver a presentation (about one hour) on one of these following subjects:
1. Public Transportation
2. Intelligent Transportation Systems
3. Traffic Engineering
4. Urban Transportation Planning
5. Traffic Safety and Risk
6. Transportation and Sustainable Development
7. Education and Traffic Culture Creation
8. Transportation Economy
9. Transportation Systems Management
10. Terms and Conditions and Traffic Integrated Management
11. Geometric Design of the Road
12. Non-motorized Transportation
For more information on the conference, please visit the website