To the attention of UCLG-MEWA Members,
We would like to inform you that the Mediterranean Network of Medinas and Heritage Development, the municipality of Larache, and the Provincial Council of Larache, organize the fifth edition of the International Forum of the Medinas between 27 and 29 April 2017 at Larache, in Morocco.
The theme of this edition, “Sustainable Heritage: Funding and Governance” will be a research area on the financing of projects in cities as well as projects for the enhancement of tangible and intangible heritage.
The program of this important event will encompass three panels that will address current topics, such as sustainable heritage and heritage funding sources as a venue for sharing international experiences in the field.
The host will cover accommodation and local transfers and the languages used in this meeting will be French, English, Arabic and Spanish.
We kindly invite you to participate in this meeting, as a representative city of UCLG-MEWA and of the Middle East and West Asia region, to share your experiences and contribute to the different panels mentioned in the program.
If you need any other information, please don’t hesitate to contact the UCLG-MEWA Secretariat at: