The Mediterranean Host Municipalities Learning Network
4th Annual Peer-to-Peer Learning Workshop
“Private Sector Engagement in Host Communities”
April 5-9, 2020 – Amman, Jordan
In the context of the Mediterranean Host Municipalities Learning Network (HMLN), the CMI is organizing the 4th Annual Peer-to-Peer Learning Workshop of the HMLN to take place in Amman, Jordan, on April 5-9, 2020. This event will build on three years of work among local governments in providing a better local economic environment for refugees and vulnerable hosts.
The event will be composed of 5 days of training sessions, panel discussions, technical presentations and field visits. Its training format will target about 100 central and local government representatives from Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine and Turkey. The event will also target a number of actors from the private sector and donor organizations working with private sector actors and host communities, for a mutual and beneficial exchange of experiences on displacement issues and solutions.
Participants will be selected through this “Call for Participation” requiring to fill the following questionnaire. The CMI and its partners will cover the costs of travel and accommodation, for selected participants.
To apply, click here.
· Elected representatives, staff (temporary or long term) and close collaborators, working for Local Governments and involved with Local Economic Development and/or services in link with migrants and forcibly displaced.
· Local Governments include: Municipalities, Union / Federation of Municipalities, Regional authority, Governorate. Representatives of Central Government authorities (Ministries, national cabinets…) are not eligible to participate in this Call, and will be selected through different channels.
· Eligible countries: Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, Turkey
· A maximum application of 2 representatives per Local Government can be accepted. The organizers reserve themselves the right to decline a second application per local government, based on capacity limits.
To consult all selection criteria, click here.
To apply, click here.
People who have an interest to participate to the event should fill the following form by February 20th, 2020, the latest.