UCLG-MEWA, World Academy for Local Government and Democracy (WALD) and Rumeli University Global Policy Application and Research Center (RUPAM) signed a cooperation protocol on 27 May 2019. The protocol was made within the context of the Migration, Urban Development, and Urban Liveability Project. This Project consists of researches, workshops and international congress/summit to be conducted between 2019 and 2020.

Within the context of the project, fieldworks visits will be conducted in Istanbul, Midilli, and Syria. The data obtained from these works will be discussed in the workshops to be organized in 5 different cities and Midilli. The workshops seek to bring together the scientists and representatives of international organizations and local governments.

In the 3rd phase of the project, which will address to urban development and urban liveability particularly in the context of internal and external migration, “International Urban Development and Urban Liveability Summit” will be organized

Within the context of the Protocol signed by Mehmet Duman, UCLG-MEWA Secretary General and Prof. Dr. Tamer Dodurka, Rector of Rumeli University, 30 students from Rumeli University will have opportunity to intern in the projects that WALD carried out in different districts of Istanbul.

Partnerships play an important role in the implementation of the global agendas. In this regard, Sustainable Development Goals also promotes partnerships. The project is expected to contribute to sustainable development.

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