Within the scope of localization of global agendas, UCLG-MEWA gathered with municipal personnel and experts in Iran.
Within the framework of the workshop held on 3-4 November 2019 in Tehran Municipality Research and Planning Center, trainers who will coordinate the awareness activities on the global agendas in the municipalities in Iran were determined, and the relevant experts were informed about the content and methodology of these activities by UCLG-MEWA.
After a detailed presentation given on the concept of sustainability, participants were informed about the Habitat Process and the New Urban Agenda as well as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Presentations on the monitoring mechanisms of global agendas formed another pillar of the training. In this context, Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) prepared for the UN High-level Political Forum, Local and Regional Authorities Report, and the current situation of Iran in both reports were among the topics shared with the participants.
The first part of the interactive section of the training included the simulation of the Pilot Project for Mapping the Sustainable Development Goals in Turkey implemented by UCLG-MEWA in 2018. Exemplary municipal activities and projects were evaluated together with the participants, and the relevant SDGs were determined for each activity. After the simulation, the participants were divided into groups and designed their own projects within the framework of the SDGs given to them. The workshop concluded with the presentations given by the groups.
The training program will play an effective role in raising awareness of the global agendas in the municipalities in Iran and making the activities conducted in Iran visible in the Voluntary National Reviews and the Local and Regional Authorities Report. The assigned trainers will follow up their work in coordination with UCLG-MEWA.