UCLG Annual Retreat 2019 & Meeting of UCLG Committee on Statutory Affairs

2019 edition of UCLG Annual Retreat will take place on 11-15 February 2019, in Barcelona, Spain. Following the previous editions, the annual meeting will gather the UCLG Presidency, Secretariats of Sections and Committees, as well as the representatives of the Policy Councils and key partners around thematic workshops, campus-style sessions and policy discussions.

The 2019 sessions will focus on aligning the work plans and the co-creation of the agenda towards the UCLG World Congress in Durban, in November 2019. Special emphasis will be placed on building synergies through the Waves of Action and shaping the Local4Action Hub. The first part of the week will be dedicated to the work of the different parts of the network, while Thursday and Friday will include the first Policy Debate of the Advisory Group UCLG-UBUNTU, meetings of the Global Taskforce and the Special Session of the Committee on Statutory Affairs, to focus on the electoral process of the organization.

Should you require support or any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us via uclg-mewa@uclg-mewa.org and UCLGExBu@uclg.org.

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