Local governments have an important role to play in situations of conflict. They have to act as promoters and facilitators of peace, freedom, democracy and prosperity and by doing so they contribute to the international development and peace-building agenda. Therefore, local governments are instrumental in preventing conflicts, building bridges and dialogue after conflict and promoting a peaceful environment.

In June 2008 the First World Conference on City Diplomacy was organised by the global organisation of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) and the Association of Netherlands Municipalities (VNG), as chair of the UCLG Committee on City Diplomacy. The conference resulted in adopting the Hague Agenda on City Diplomacy, which aims to highlight the role of local governments in promoting peace, dialogue and reconstruction throughout the world.

Among the agenda’s recommendations was the proposal to launch a local government peace prize, to be awarded to local governments who either work to prevent or overcome conflicts in their own community, or who have helped local governments in conflict areas in their striving for peace or justice. This has taken shape in the UCLG City of Bogotá Peace Prize, supported by the Provincial Council of Barcelona and developed with expertise of PAX and VNG International, within the framework of the UCLG Committee on Development Cooperation and City Diplomacy.

The Peace Prize aims at creating a momentum for local governments worldwide that implement strategies for conflict prevention, peacebuilding and post-conflict reconstruction.

The Prize will celebrate successful initiatives undertaken by local governments and stimulate others to follow suit.

Moreover, it will generate international public attention for the role local governments play in ensuring  sustainable peaceful development.

Local governments that have implemented an innovative and high impact approach towards peacebuilding and the creation of dialogue are eligible for nomination.


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