The Extraordinary Meeting of the UCLG Committee on Statutory Affairs was held on 31 October 2019 in Barcelona. The ongoing preparations for the next UCLG Congress were evaluated during the Meeting, and opinions and suggestions on the new Presidency to be determined for the 2019-2022 period were also discussed. As known, with the elections to be held at UCLG Congress that will take place in Durban, South Africa between 11 and 15 November 2019, the new president of the Organization will be determined for the next three years.

The Congress, where the new co-presidents and treasurer will also be elected in addition to the UCLG president, is of particular importance for the MEWA region. Uğur İbrahim Altay, Mayor of Konya (Turkey) and President of the Union of Turkish World Municipalities, and Mustafa Tunç Soyer, Mayor of Izmir (Turkey), who announced their candidacy for UCLG Co-Presidency and UCLG Treasurer respectively, continue their efforts to take part in UCLG governing bodies. The Meeting of the Committee on Statutory Affairs held in Barcelona also provided an opportunity for the review of the files prepared for the aforementioned nominations.

Members to represent the MEWA Region in the UCLG World Council and UCLG Executive Bureau were also reviewed. There are a total of 36 municipal associations/mayors representing the MEWA Region in the UCLG World Council, with 32 of them designated by the UCLG-MEWA General Secretariat and 4 by the UCLG Lebanon Office.

You can visit the UCLG-MEWA website for more information on UCLG’s changing presidency and other governing bodies.

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