UCLG Executive Bureau 28-29 May 2020

In view of the current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic and following the cancellation of the face-to-face meeting of the UCLG Executive Bureau, scheduled from 28 to 30 May in Rome, the UCLG Presidency proposes to convene a virtual Executive Bureau on the same dates.

The City of Rome has expressed their commitment to keep working with us and reiterated their interest in holding a UCLG meeting in the future. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Mayor and her team again for the efforts they had already provided in facilitating the preparations of the Executive Bureau.

Programme and agenda

We are pleased to confirm that the Executive Bureau session will be held on:

Friday 29 May 2020
Via the Zoom platform
(Information on how to connect will be shared prior to the meeting)

For your information, you will find the proposed agenda for the Executive Bureau, as well as the general programme of meetings organized throughout the week, as follows:

25 May: Institutional Committees
These committees will cover usual business of the World Organization such as budget and institutional processes and are for committee members only. Invitations will be sent separately. 

14:30-16:00: Financial Management Committee
16:30-17.30: Committee on Statutory Affairs

28 May: Dialogue between Mayors and Ministers to strengthen coordination on the Paris Agreement, co-organized with UNDP, UNEP, UN-Habitat and GCoM

12:00-14:00: Focus on multi-level governance: how central and local governments coordinate their climate action
13:00-14:00: Regional and local determined contributions and their integration within the nationally determined contributions
15:00-16:30: Building a new normal: the COVID crisis and the opportunity to rethink climate action through a Green recovery
16:30-17:00: Institutional closing

29 May: Formal Session of the Executive Bureau

14:30-15:00: Official Opening
15:00-16:00: UCLG Consultation on UN75
16:15-18:00: Business Session of the Executive Bureau on the UCLG strategy in the Post COVID Era

Online Executive Bureau: the UCLGMeets platform

The background documents of the Executive Bureau, for discussion among members, will be available on the UCLGMeets platform as from 22nd May. As you might know already, this platform will not only allow to share the working documents for our meetings but will also provide a space for online discussions and comments on documents.
The platform will be operational on 20th May. Members will be provided with step by step instructions on how to register, create their profiles and take part in the consultations then.
In the meantime, you can already confirm participation in the meetings organized in the framework of the Executive Bureau using the following link.

International advocacy
As informed in our previous circular, sent earlier this week, the UCLG Presidency has agreed on a Decalogue that includes ten recommendations to change the world beyond the outbreak of COVID-19, building on the Durban Declaration and focusing on the commitment of local and regional governments to build a world of solidarity. We remind you that the consultation process on this Decalogue will remain open until 18th May and that you can share your comments in writing to policy@uclg.org.

Please note that the new version of the Decalogue will continue to be open for comments on the UCLGMeets platform.

You will also find a brief video of the Decalogue that we would be grateful you could promote in social media and through any other means you find relevant.

Message of solidarity

The UCLG Presidency wishes to send a message of solidarity to all members. For many weeks now, we have lived in an exceptional situation, facing a threat that knows no borders, and changing the way we work to protect and provide basic services to our communities, and especially the most vulnerable, who are suffering the most from the effects of this crisis.

Local and regional governments are proving that they are great allies of the Ministries of Health who, together with scientists, are the reference for action and solutions. Our members are demonstrating, not only as mayors, but as a network of local governments, why local governments are essential actors in emerging from this crisis.

We convey our solidarity to those affected, our condolences to those who have lost loved ones, and our support to the authorities and scientists around the world, who are working tirelessly to contain and combat the virus effectively.

UCLG is doing everything possible to remain relevant in these difficult times and we look forward to seeing you soon. Until then, we remain available for any additional information you might need on the above: UCLGExBu@uclg.org.


The UCLG World Secretariat

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