On 11-13 March 2017, UCLG-MEWA and Nablus Municipality with the support of the Union of Turkish Municipalities and IETT organized the UCLG-MEWA Executive Bureau, Committee on Cooperation Development and City Diplomacy, and Committee on Urban Mobility Meetings in Nablus, Palestine. Executive Bureau Meeting commenced by the opening speeches of Sameeh Tubaila, Mayor of Nablus, Mehmet Duman, UCLG-MEWA Secretary General, Recep Şahin, Deputy Secretary General of UMT, Cevdet Güngör, Head of IETT Customer Services and Corporate Communication Department, Mousa Hadid, Mayor of Ramallah and President of the Association of Palestinian Local Authorities (APLA), Ambassador Hüsnü Gürcan Türkoğlu, Consul General of Turkey in Jerusalem and Hussein Al-A’raj, the Minister of Palestinian Local Governments. The President of APLA, Mr. Hadid, who is also the UCLG-MEWA Co-President chaired the Executive Bureau Meeting. During the session, the 2016 Financial Management Committee Report was validated by the members, a short presentation on the Sustainable Development Goals was done and the representative of Ankara Metropolitan Municipality proposed to host the next UCLG-MEWA Executive Bureau and Council Joint Meeting in his city for 2018. At the UCLG-MEWA Committee on Development Cooperation and City Diplomacy meeting, the Deputy Secretary General of TBB, Recep Şahin, chaired the administrative work of the committee. Besides, Mr. Ramazan Kabasakal, Head of International Relations Department in Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, Mr. Abdülmelik Ötegen, Deputy Secretary General in Konya Metropolitan Municipality, representatives of TIKA, KIZILAY and APLA discussed about the roadmap for multi-stakeholders cooperation. Halhul, Salfeet, Ramallah, Nablus, Dura, Gaza, Tubas and Betunia Municipalities requested the membership in the Committee. At the end of the first day, the participants made a technical visit to the public transport stations in Nablus. During the UCLG-MEWA Committee on Urban Mobility Meeting, the administrative work of the committee was chaired by the head of IETT Customer Services and Corporate Communication Department, Cevdet Güngör, Rania Doleh, the Head of Road and Traffic Department in Nablus Municipality and Hasan Kömürcü, the Head of Transportation Department in Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality. They made the review of the membership in the committee and presented the Program of Activities. Following this session, Balamir Gündoğdu, General Director of Electricity, Gas and Bus Operations (EGO) in Ankara and Yaşar İncikli, Head of IT Department in Konya Metropolitan Municipality from Turkey presented their projects and good practices. Training sessions started with the intervention of IETT experts and the presentation of the good practices by the discussants on “Planning of Public Transport”, “WRI Safety Lab Project IETT Case“ and the “IETT Index Case Study”. Then participants exchanged their views and presented the challenges met in their projects. Discussants proposed solutions to support them in achieving and implementing their projects. Finally, the UCLG-MEWA delegation went to Jerusalem to visit the holy city.

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