UCLG-MEWA (United Cities and Local Governments Middle East and West Asia) and WALD (World Academy for Local Government and Democracy), based on the idea that the basic institutions which ensure the establishment of democracy and human rights are local governments. “The Workshop on Increasing the Coordination at the Local Level In Migration Management” will be held on 7 November 2016, and UCLG-MEWA & WALD International Migration Management Summit will be held on 8-10 November 2016, in conjunction with UCLG-MEWA Executive Bureau and Council Joint Meeting under the auspices of Şanlıurfa Metropolitan Municipality, Co-President of UCLG-MEWA Committee on Social Inclusion.
Gathering public institutions, local governments and NGOs working on migration, “Workshop on Strengthening Coordination at the Local Level in Migration Management” aims at developing cooperation and dialogue among public and civil society institutions at the local level.
In the UCLG-MEWA & WALD International Migration Management Summit, it is planned to hold sessions, trainings and workshops for enabling the coordination in migration and migration management in the MEWA region at the local level for adopting and implementing the New Urban Agenda during the post-HABITAT III process, and for ensuring the international cooperation.
Please inform us about your participation by filling in our online participation form, by 31 October 2016,Monday, the latest.
For more details please visit the website of UCLG-MEWA & WALD International Migration Management Summit: www.sanliurfa2016uclg-mewa.org
UCLG-MEWA Executive Bureau and Council Joint Meeting and Summit Draft Program
UCLG-MEWA & WALD International Migration Management Summit Draft Program