United Cities and Local Governments Middle East and West Asia Section (UCLG-MEWA) Executive Bureau and Council Joint Meeting and the Global Taskforce on Migration (GTFM) End-of-Year Reflection Meeting will be held on Thursday, 11 November 2021 under the auspices of Balıkesir Metropolitan Municipality as UCLG-MEWA Co-President.

Following the opening session, the Global Task Force (GTFM) End-of-Year Reflection Meeting will first take place and as part of the meeting, the key outcomes of the past events will be discussed and the progress of the GTFM on following up the commitments of the Gaziantep Declaration will be evaluated. Following this meeting, the UCLG-MEWA Executive Bureau and Council Meeting will be held, where 2021 working period of UCLG-MEWA will be reviewed and the activities to be planned for the year 2022 will be shaped by the Executive Bureau and Council Members.

Following the UCLG-MEWA Executive Bureau and Council Joint Meeting, the European Youth Alliance for a Green Future event will take place on 12 November 2021.

In addition to these meetings, and as part of the preparations for UCLG-MEWA Executive Bureau and Council Joint Meeting, UCLG-MEWA Supervisory Board/ Financial Management Committee will convene one week earlier before the aforementioned meetings. 

You can view the draft program and agenda via the link. You can visit UCLG-MEWA’s website www.uclg-mewa.org to get updated on the registration form and other details.

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