United Cities and Local Governments Middle East and West Asia Section (UCLG-MEWA) hosted Atty. Şeyma Döğücü, Mayor of Sancaktepe in Turkey and UCLG-MEWA Executive Bureau and Council Member, as part of the series of UCLG-MEWA Local Government Talks entitled “The Role of Local Governments in the Fight Against Coronavirus and Normalization” on September 8, 2020.
Mayor Döğücü started her remarks by talking about the activities of Turkey during the pandemic and said that Turkey had been successful in managing this process. Mayor Döğücü also pointed out the preventive measures Sancaktepe Municipality carried out during this process.
Saying that she is fully aware of her mission as the only female mayor in Istanbul, Mayor Döğücü emphasized the importance of the increasing representation of women, as well as of qualified women, in local governments. She also added that the visibility of women representatives in global politics has substantially increased.
Mayor Döğücü also touched upon the municipality’s other fields of work such as migration management, international relations and disaster recovery.
You can watch the full talk here.