On 6 April 2015 Mehmet DUMAN, UCLG-MEWA Secretary General and UCLG-MEWA Project Department, visited IETT General Directorate. UCLG-MEWA presented UCLG’s committees on “Urban Mobility” to Mümin KAHVECI, IETT General Director, and to his team to explain its objectives, goals and working principles.
After this informative presentation, Mehmet DUMAN emphasized the importance of mobility and transportation for local governments and continued expressing his ideas on the beneficial of establishing a regional committee on urban mobility to gathering good practices, developing cooperation among our members.
IETT General Director welcomed this idea and mentioned that IETT has strong partnerships in international area so that they follow up the changes in the world constantly and it could provide a good coordination and knowledge for this committee. Mr. KAHVECI presented to UCLG-MEWA Secretariat IETT most successful initiative: TRANSIST 2015 which will take place in Istanbul on December 2015. In 2014 TRANSIST gathered more than 4000 persons to discuss smart transportation solutions with contributors from all around the world. Mentioning the numerous experiences of IETT in terms of knowledge sharing, training and cooperation Mr. KAHVECI expressed his full support to this committee and his will to start activities as soon as possible.