The implementation of projects related to the priority areas specified in the UCLG-MEWA’s Strategic Plan for 2020-2022 and accordingly provision of necessary support to the members are among the issues that the Organization attaches importance to in the new period. In this context, institutional capacity building activities were initiated around the projects planned for the next term.

On December 23, 2019, a training program on projects and funding sources was organized. The training, which started with the presentations of Özgür Akçil, Plan and Project Manager at Karesi Municipality, and Ramazan Kırmızı, Founder of Smart Project Academy Training and Project Consultancy and Organization, was attended by the staff of UCLG-MEWA and representatives of World Academy for Local Government and Democracy (WALD), Association of City Councils of Thrace, Tekirdağ City Council and Çerkezköy City Council.

Following the training session focusing on the open project applications as of January 2020, Mehmet DUMAN, UCLG-MEWA Secretary General, emphasized in his speech the importance of UCLG-MEWA and its stakeholders benefiting from the projects and funds provided by the EU, taking into account the current economic conjuncture.

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