Distinguished UCLG-MEWA Member,
Organized by the Sustainable Production and Consumption Association (SÜT-D); the V. Istanbul Carbon Summit will take place on 26 April 2018, at Istanbul Technical University, with the theme “Climate Finance.” The event will bring experts, academics, public and civil society representatives together.
In the Summit; participants will discuss the issues on greenhouse gas mitigation, adaptation processes, climate and carbon financing, and climate change mitigation mechanisms, with a specific reference to the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.
For more information on the program of the event, and to access the report of
IV. Istanbul Carbon Summit organized last year, you can visit the organization’s web site at http://www.istanbulcarbonsummit.org/tr/
Please note that the Summit will be held in Turkish and English.
Registration will be free of charge for representatives who will register through
UCLG-MEWA. For registration, please make contact with meliha@istanbulcarbonsummit.org ; e.akyol@uclg-mewa.org and b.timur@uclg-mewa.org
UCLG-MEWA General Secretariat