Data-driven climate action in local governments was discussed during the webinar entitled “Why Measure, Monitor, and Manage Environmental Data?” held on June 23, 2020 in partnership with UCLG-MEWA Committee on Environment, Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI). UCLG-MEWA Secretary General Mehmet Duman, ICLEI Sustainable Resources, Climate and Resistance Coordinator Giorgia Rambelli, CDP’s UK Senior Data and Analysis Officer Arminel Lovell, and Climate Change and Clean Energy Expert Çağlar Tükel from Izmir Metropolitan Municipality participated in the webinar as panelists.

During the webinar, the importance of data-based decision-making for climate action at the urban level was discussed. Throughout the webinar, the benefits of reporting data through the CDP-ICLEI unified reporting system were shared with the participants. It was underlined during the presentations that the reporting process can be used as a tool to understand the environmental impacts of cities and to benchmark their progress in climate action. It was also stated that answering the survey required for reporting would also send a strong message to the international community and could help cities have access to a wide range of resources and opportunities offered by CDP, ICLEI and our partners.

The webinar, held with the participation of local governments from the Middle East, Africa and Europe, was completed with a Q&A session and sharing of resources.

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