Dear members,
Following the UCLG World Council held in Hangzhou, China, on 6-9 December, we are pleased to enclose the Report on Key Decisions.
We thank all members for their active participation and insightful contributions. We hope you share the positive evaluation of the outcomes of the meetings in Hangzhou.
With the President’s report on the state of UCLG during the first year of his mandate and seeing the retirement of our dear Secretary General, Josep Roig, the Hangzhou WorldCouncil has certainly been a memorable one.
The inauguration of the new Policy Council mechanisms has also been a key moment, as was the celebration of the Forum on Smart City and Big Data, hosted by the City of Hangzhou and the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC).
Should you wish to follow the social media exchanges on the World Council meetings, please click here. You can also access the photo galleries of the meetings via the following links: Album Days 1 and 2, Album Days 2 and 3.
You will also find attached a calendar of key events that should help you plan your international agenda for next year.
Survey on UCLG activities
UCLG aims to enhance its monitoring and evaluation capacity in all areas of its work. The opinion of members is critical in this respect. Our survey on UCLG activities aims to guide the work of the World Secretariat and inspire the leadership towards new initiatives.
We urge you to take 5 minutes to answer our Survey on UCLG activities.
The results will be taken into account for further development of the work plan and will inspire the discussions of the UCLG Retreat and the framework of existing partnerships.
New Year’s message from the UCLG Secretary General
Finally, we invite you to read the New Year’s message of UCLG Secretary General, Emilia Saiz.
We transmit the commitment of the whole team to materialize your policy priorities and to ensure that, beyond the sharing of ideas and experiences, we put in place the mechanisms that will allow us to strategize together towards achieving a fairer world that builds on solidarity, inclusion, co-creation, accountability and equality.
The World Secretariat looks forward to working with you to achieve your objectives in 2018 and wishes our global family of local governments a very Happy New Year!
As always, our team remains at your disposal for any further information you might need. Please do not hesitate to contact us at:
The UCLG World Secretariat
Please click on the links below to access the following documents:
- Report on Key Decisions from the World Council in Hangzhou
- Motions adopted in Hangzhou:
o Annex 1: UCLG Statement before the One Planet Summit 2017
o Annex 2: Support for Women’s Political Participation at Local Level
o Annex 3: Hangzhou statement on the occasion of International Anti Corruption Day
o Annex 4: Motion on the Status of Jerusalem
New Year’s message from UCLG Secretary General, Emilia Saiz