The World Humanitarian Summit (WHS) will take place in Istanbul on 23-24 May 2016. The WHS will be structured around seven High-level Leaders’ Roundtables and 15 Special Sessions. The seven roundtables are:

  1. Political leadership to prevent and end conflicts
  2. Uphold the norms that safeguard humanity
  3. Leaving no one behind: a commitment to address forced displacement
  4. Women and girls: catalyzing action to achieve gender equality
  5. Natural disasters and climate change: managing risks and crises differently
  6. Changing people’s lives: from delivering aid to ending need
  7. Financing: investing in humanity

As you know, UCLG and its working group on Local Government Disaster Response, led by Cités Unies France (CUF), has been supporting the creation of the Global Alliance on Urban Crises (GAUC), which is a multi-disciplinary and collaborative community of practice with the objective of preventing, preparing for and effectively responding to humanitarian crises in urban settings. This initiative will be launched during a special session of the Summit, with the participation of high-level leaders.

Further, President Topbaş, as host of the summit, and in the light of the current situation in the region, has decided to organize a large meeting of mayors from across the world to address the topic of migration. This meeting reflects the importance of the migration issue for the UCLG membership. (Programme and concept note are provided below.)

During the Summit, UCLG’s focus will be on roundtables 1, 3, 5 and 6, as well as the special sessions related to the GAUC and migration.

You can find the descriptions and core commitments of the seven High-level Leaders’ Roundtables here and via the link below. The core commitments and action plan of the GAUC are also attached.

The Secretariat of the WHS is launching an online process to collect further commitments for the roundtables and special sessions. Only those participants who received an invitation and are registered may propose commitments.

Should you want to propose new commitments or would like to attend, please write to at the World Secretariat before 15 April. Please note, however, that participation is by invitation only. UCLG will do its best for interested UCLG members to be invited.

The UCLG World Secretariat

Please click on the links below to access the following documents:

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