With an aim to further advance its efforts to combat climate change, a new initiative has been launched within the body of UCLG-MEWA. During the UCLG-MEWA Executive Bureau Meeting held between June 26-27, 2024 in Karatay, Konya, a decision was taken on to nominate ambassadors for climate and culture. In this scope, having initiated the nomination process for the UCLG-MEWA Ambassador for Climate, it is more than pleasure for us to feed you with the relevant information regarding the process.

UCLG-MEWA Ambassador for Climate, will bear a crucial role in combating climate change and dissemination of sustainable environment policies. Targeting to foster local governments’ capacity for addressing climate change, achieving sustainable development goals and establishing a social consciousness, the Ambassador for Climate will work on cooperating on national and international scale.

Duties of the Ambassador

The nominated ambassador will lead the projects that are of great importance for the development and sustainable future of the region. The ambassador will both pave the way for the region to flourish the national and international arena and contribute, and add value to the regional development via the activities  conducted in the sphere of environment. By upgrading local governments’ and communities’ level of climate and environmental consciousness, the Ambassador will contribute to our region through its transformation process into a more livable and more sustainable area.

The eligible candidates are expected to be evaluated during the upcoming UCLG-MEWA Executive Bureau Meeting, which is planned to be held between October 23-24, 2024 in Diyarbakır.

In this direction, please kindly send your applications to UCLG-MEWA Secretariat in English latest by September 27, 2024, Friday, 17:00 p.m. (Istanbul Time)

Please kindly check the Informative Note before filling the Application Form.

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