United Nations (UN) Summit of the Future took place at the UN Headquarters in New York, between September 20-23, 2024. The Summit witnessed a historic meeting where local governments and global actors from around the world came together for a sustainable future.
Amplifying local governments’ role in global scale and accelerating Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were among the hot topics on the summit’s agenda. The summit consisted of two main sections dedicated both to unfolding action plans and taking concrete steps for the future.
September 18: Cities Countdown to 2030
Cities Countdown to 2030 initiative has been launched by UN, UN-Habitat and United Cities and Local Governments World Organization (UCLG). The meeting was held at the Turkish House, which functions as the Turkish Consulate General in New York and Permanent Mission of the Republic of Türkiye to the United Nations. Drawing attention to the issue that cities play a crucial role in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this initiative was presented as a critical platform in achieving global targets by taking effective actions.
September 19: United Nations Secretary General’s Advisory Group on Local and Regional Governments
UNSG Advisory Group on Local and Regional Governments Meeting took place at the United Nations Headquarters on September 19. Initiated by UN Secretary General, António Guterres, the group underlined the critical role of engagement, action and cooperation at the local and regional level. Sustainable cities, local governance and the localization of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are among the key issues addressed within the scope of the meeting. Local leaders had the chance of taking part in meaningful discussions on capacity building and encouraging inclusive and multilevel policies.
Representing the MEWA Region at the meeting, Fatma Şahin, Mayor of Gaziantep and Dr. Yousef Alshawarbeh, Mayor of Amman and UCLG-MEWA Co-President, took the floor for to raise the issues on their agenda. Şahin and Alshawarbeh contributed to the meeting by drawing attention to the issues such as peacebuilding, human rights and the localization of the global goals.
September 19: World Assembly of Local and Regional Governments
World Assembly of Local and Regional Governments functioned as a platform where local authorities meet global policy makers and exchanged views on how to foster multilevel governance system at the local level. Smart cities, transparent management, inclusive infrastructure projects and combating climate change are among the hot topics focused during the meeting. Local government leaders from various corners of the world contributed to the assembly reflecting from the best practices and successful project stories conducted in their cities and regions.
Such reflections from the experiences on the development of urban services by means of digitalization, fostering the processes of participatory democracy and transparent management, sustainable solutions for infrastructure and innovative energy projects, became a source of inspiration for many other local governments. These local steps taken in fighting climate change were among the prominent items on the meeting agenda.
Taking the floor at the meeting, UCLG-MEWA Secretary General Dr. Mehmet Duman stressed the critical role youth played in shaping the global future. E-Parliament initiative was introduced as an innovative step that will enable youth and local leaders to work more closely. Developed in cooperation with UCLG-MEWA and WALD Academy, this initiative aims to enable local leaders to engage more effectively with young people, encouraging their active participation in sustainable development processes.
September 20-21: UN Summit of the Future Action Days
Held on September 20-21, The UN Summit of the Future Action Days served as a significant platform emphasizing the vital role of local and regional governments in shaping the global vision. The event featured two separate sessions titled “Caring Territories for the Future: Feminist Municipalism for Equality, Climate Action, Democracy and Peace (Local and Regional Governments Day)” and “Shaping local pathways for a more equitable, sustainable, and secure future for all – Localizing the Pact for the Future”
September 22-23: UN Summit of the Future
With the participation of national-level leaders from around the world, UN Summit of the Future focused on the restructuring of the multilateral system and the establishment of a more inclusive governance model at the global level. The summit discussed how to reform the current international system to strengthen cooperation and solidarity between countries. Leaders highlighted the need for adopting a more resilient and equitable governance approach in the face of global crises.
During the meeting, the “Pact for the Future,” aimed at addressing gaps in global governance, embracing inclusive development strategies, and building a more sustainable and equitable future worldwide, was unanimously adopted. This pact seeks to ensure a more active participation of not only national governments but also local governments, nongovernmental organizations, and the private sector in global governance, forming the foundational elements of a more holistic and multi-layered governance model.
Robust Engagement of MEWA Region
The robust engagement of local leaders representing the Middle East and West Asia Region was noteworthy at the summit. Representatives from our regional cities, such as Balıkesir, Salt, Karatay, Avcılar, Gaziantep, Al-Arida, and Amman, shared their contributions to peace and development processes. In addition to the cities of our region, representatives from regional associations, organizations, and countries such as the World Academy for Local Government and Democracy (WALD), the Union of Municipalities of Türkiye (TBB), and Rakez Al Khalaileh, UCLG-MEWA Country Representative for Jordan, also took part in the events.
In conclusion, UN Summit of the Future demonstrated once again the key role cities play in solving global issues. Emphasizing the critical importance of local actions in achieving global sustainable development goals, this summit showcased the contributions and leadership of cities in the MEWA region in this process. The declaration published after the summit underlined the need for further strengthening and supporting local governments, highlighting the significance of transforming cities into more sustainable, inclusive, and resilient structures in the future.